Handmade Village Crafts & Home Decor, Manufacturer, Exporter & Wholesale Supplier - JediCreations, Thailand
JEDI International, Ltd., Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Trusted source since 2003.
Handmade Village Crafts and Home Décor
Manufacturer, Exporter and Wholesale
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Bamboo Parasols, Hand Parasols and Sun Umbrellas in Thai Design

Bambus Sonnenschirme - Parasoles y Sombrillas en Bambú Natural
Parasols et Ombrelles en Bambou Naturel - Parasoli ed Ombrelles in Bambù Naturale
Bamboe Parasols en Hand Parasols - Bamboo Parasols, Gir Parasols og Solparaplyer
Parasóis e Ombrelles de Bambu Natural

We take pride in presenting you our hand crafted, handheld parasols. They are manufactured in five different materials: leather-oiled waterproofed cotton, chinese paper, Saa paper, cotton and rayon, all using a bamboo frame. All parasols are available in a multitude of solid colors as well as silk-screened and hand painted design patterns.

To view the details of each product line, click on the category image or description:

Bamboo Parasols and Sun Umbrellas

Directly from the Source

Located directly in the heartland of Thailand's traditional parasol production, JediCreations offers high quality handmade parasols directly from village artisan manufacturing, at manufacturer, exporter, wholesale price. Have a look through the collection of Thai traditional parasols, waterproofed cotton parasols, paper parasols and rayon artificial silk parasols

Not yet shown are our light cotton hand parasols and lace parasols.

Contact us if you believe your local customers would like our parasols and sun umbrellas, and if they could contribute to your competitive advantage and sales.

Tip: Parasol or Umbrella Season approaching? It's always the right time to enquire.

Wholesale Parasols and Umbrellas - Sun and Rain Protection:

Language Abstracts

EN: Handmade Bamboo Parasols, Hand Parasols and Sun Umbrellas from Thailand with Natural Bamboo Frame

Export and wholesale offer of handmade bamboo parasols, hand parasols and sun umbrellas with natural bamboo frame. These handmade bamboo parasols, sun umbrellas and hand parasols from Thailand with bamboo frame are hand crafted by northern Thai village artisans from natural renewable materials. JediCreations, wholesale, exporter, manufacturer of handmade village crafts and home decor; as producer and exporter we are seeking importers, wholesalers, distributors, retailers, including in online sales, Christmas markets and Flea markets for our handmade bamboo parasols, sun umbrellas and hand parasols from Thailand with bamboo frame; exclusive or non-exclusive sales agreements may (still) be available for your area.

DE: Handgemachte Bambus Sonnenschirme und Hand Sonnenschirme mit natürlichem Bambusrahmen aus Thailand

Export- und Großhandelsangebot handgemachte Bambus Sonnenschirme und Hand Sonnenschirm mit Bambusrahmen. Hergestellt durch Handwerker in nord thailändischen Dörfern aus natürlichen, erneuerbaren Rohstoffen und Materialien. JediCreations, Grosshandel, Exporteur, Hersteller dörfliches Handwerk und Wohnkultur; als Hersteller und Exporteur suchen wir Importeure, Großhändler, und Einzelhändler im Import-Export, Großhandel, Einzelhandel, sowie im online Verkauf, Weihnachtsmarkt und Flohmarkt für unsere handgemachten Bambus Sonnenschirme und Hand Sonnenschirm mit Bambusrahmen; exklusive oder nicht-exklusive Vereinbarungen sind eventuell (noch) in Ihrem Raum möglich.

ES: Parasoles y Sombrillas con el Refuerzo en Bambú Natural de Tailandia Hecho a la Mano

La oferta de la exportación y la oferta al por mayor de la mano talló parasoles y sombrillas con el refuerzo en bambú natural de Tailandia hecho a la mano, hechas por los artesanos tailandeses norteños de la aldea de los materiales naturales reanudables. JediCreations, venta al por mayor, exportador, fabricante de la mano hizo artes de la aldea y la decoración casera; siendo productor y exportador estamos buscando a importadores, comerciantes, distribuidores, minoristas, incluyendo en ventas, mercados de Navidad y mercados de pulgas en línea para nuestras parasoles y sombrillas con el refuerzo en bambú natural de Tailandia hecho a la mano; los acuerdos exclusivos o no-exclusivos de ventas pueden estar disponibles para su área.

FR: Parasols et Ombrelles avec l'Armature en Bambou Naturel de Thaïlande Fait à la Main

L'offre d'exportation et l'offre en gros pour les parasols et ombrelles avec l'armature en bambou naturel fait à la main dans la conception asiatique élégante. Faites par les artisans thaïs nordiques de village des matériaux renouvelables naturels. JediCreations, vente en gros, exportateur, fabricant des métiers faits main de village et décor à la maison. Étant producteur et exportateur nous cherchons des importateurs, grossistes, distributeurs, détaillants inclut dans les ventes online, les marchés de noël, et les marchés aux puces, pour nos parasols et ombrelles avec l'armature en bambou naturel fait à la main dans la conception asiatique; dispositions exclusive ou non-exclusive sont éventuellement possible dans votre territoire.

IT: Parasoli ed Ombrelles con il Rinforzo in Bambù Naturale della Tailandia Fatto Hanno la Mano

Offerta dell'esportazione ed offerta del commercio all'ingrosso per i parasoli ed ombrelles con il rinforzo in bambù naturale della Tailandia fatto hanno la mano nel disegno asiatico unico. Fatte dagli artigianale tailandesi nordici del villaggio dei materiali naturali rinnovabili. JediCreations, commercio all'ingrosso, esportatore, fornitore di mano ha fatto i mestieri del villaggio e la decorazione domestica; come il produttore e l'esportatore noi stanno cercando gli importatori, i grossisti, i distributori, rivenditori, includenti nelle vendite, nei mercati di natale e nei mercati di pulce in linea per le nostri parasoli ed ombrelles con il rinforzo in bambù naturale della Tailandia fatto hanno la mano nel disegno asiatico unico; gli accordi di vendite esclusivi o non-exclusivi possono essere disponibili per la vostra zona.

NL: Handgemaakte Bamboe Parasols en Hand Parasols uit Thailand met Bamboe Raamwerk

Export- en groothandelsaanbieding voor bamboe parasols, hand parasols, zon parasols met natuurlijke bamboe constructie, geproduceert door ambachtslui in noord Thailandse dorpen met vernieuwbare grondstoffen en materiaal. JediCreations, groothandel, exporteur, producent van lokale ambachtsartikelen, huisinrichting en woon cultuur; in onze rol als thaise producent en exporteur zoeken wij importeurs, groothandelaren, kleinhandelaren in de import, groothandel, kleinhandel, ook in de online verkoop, kerstmarkt en vlooienmarkt voor onze bamboe parasols, hand parasols, zon parasols met natuurlijke bamboe constructie in asiatisch design; exclusive of niet-exclusive afspraken zijn eventueel (nog) in uw gebied mogelijk.

NO: Håndlagd Bamboo Parasols, Gir Parasols og solParaplyer fra Thailand med Naturlig Bamboo Å Ramme Inn

Eksporttilbud og engroshandeltilbud for håndlagd bamboo parasols, gir parasols og solparaplyer fra Thailand med naturlig bamboo å ramme inn i enestående asian design, laget ved nordlig Thai landsby håndverkfolk fra fornybar naturlig stoff. Jedicreations, engroshandel, exporter, produsent av hånd laget landsbyhåndverker og hjem decor; værende produsent og exporter vi søker importører, engroshandelforretning, fordelere, detaljhandler butikker, samt i on-line omsetning, jul markeder og flea markeder for vår håndlagd bamboo parasols, gir parasols og solparaplyer fra Thailand med naturlig bamboo å ramme inn i enestående asian design; eksklusive eller ikke-eksklusive omsetningsenigheter er tilgjengelig for deres område.

PT: Parasóis e Ombrelles com o Reforço de Bambu Natural da Tailândia Feito tem a Mão

A oferta de exportaç ã o e por atacado oferece para parasóis e ombrelles com o reforço de bambu natural da Tailândia feito tem a mão em projeto asiático elegante feitas produzido por artesãos tailandeses do norte de aldeia de materiais renováveis naturais. JediCreations, venda por atacado, exportador, fabricante da mão fêz artesanatos da vila e o decor interior da casa; sendo produtor e exportador nós estamos procurando importers, atacadistas, distribuidores, varejistas, incluindo em vendas online, em mercados do natal e em mercados de pulga em linha para nossas parasóis e ombrelles com o reforço de bambu natural da Tailândia feito tem a mão em projeto asiático elegante; acordos exclusivos ou não exclusivos de vendas podem estar disponíveis para sua área.

Photography by the JediCreations team.
Page last updated on 26 February 2019.