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Natural Bamboo Folding Hats, Manufacturer Wholesale
Bamboo Folding Hats - Faltbare Bambushüte - Opvouwbare Bamboe Zonnehoeden - Plegable Sombreros de Bambú
Folding sun hats, lightweight, made from quickly growing, natural bamboo and light textile material. Low-cost, ideal for the beach or any other occasion under he sun. These hats can be customised and personalised according to your order. Available wholesale, manufacturer direct, in small or large quantities.
Category: HATU-F101
Bamboo Folding Hats, available in many colors and design patterns
Please contact us for price and suggested shipping details.
Ladies and Gents Hats:
Abstract and Languages:
EN: Bamboo Folding Hats, Folding Bamboo Hats with Rayon Fabric
Unique bamboo folding hats, low cost, better than wholesale, directly from the manufacturer. Folding sun hats here in floral design. There are many other design possibilities. These bamboo hats are hand crafted by village artisans in northern Thailand with natural, quickly renewable bamboo. Manufacturer wholesale price: Please contact us. On this page:ES: Bambú Plegable Sombreros, Plegable Sombreros de Bambú con Tela de Rayón
Único sombreros plegables de bambú, de bajo costo, mejor que por mayor, directamente del fabricante. Sombreros plegables del sol aquí en diseño floral. Hay muchas otras posibilidades de diseño. Estos sombreros de bambú son hechos a mano por los artesanos del pueblo en el norte de Tailandia con bambú natural, rápidamente renovable. Precio al por mayor del fabricante: Éntrenos en contacto con por favor.DE: Faltbare Bambus Hüte mit Rayon Stoffbezug
Einzigartige handgemachte Bambus Sonnenhüte, Bambus Falthüte, faltbare Bambushüte, preiswert, besser als Großhandel, direkt vom Hersteller. Bambus Sonnenhut hier in floral Design, viele weitere Designs sind möglich. Produziert von Handwerkern in nord thailändischen Dörfern aus natürlichen, schnell erneuerbaren Bambus. Hersteller Großhandelspreis: Nemen Sie Kontakt mit uns auf.NL: Opvouwbare Bamboe Zonnehoeden met Rayon Stoff
Unieke vouwbare bamboe hoeden, voordelig, beter dan in het groot, direct van de producent. Opvouwbare bamboe zonnehoed, hier in floraal motief, vele andere designs zijn mogelijk. Gemaakt door ambachtslui in noord Thailandse dorpen met natuurlijk, snel vernieuwbaar bamboe. Producent groothandelsprijs: Neemt u met ons contact op.Photography Bamboo Folding Hats by the JediCreations team.
Page last updated on 7 July 2017.