Handmade Village Crafts & Home Decor, Manufacturer, Exporter & Wholesale Supplier - JediCreations, Thailand
JEDI International, Ltd., Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Trusted source since 2003.
Handmade Village Crafts and Home Décor
Manufacturer, Exporter and Wholesale
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Incense Sticks, Incense Cones and Sets

Conos del Incienso, Palillos del Incienso, Sistemas del Incienso
Duftkegel, Duftstäbchen, Räucherkegel, Räucherstäbchen
Cônes D'Encens, Bâtons D'Encens, Ensembles D'Encens
Geurkegeltjes, Geurstaafjes, Wierookstokjes

Our new selection of incense sticks, cones and sets, in small, affordable and yet attractive packages. Your customers will appreciate these small items that make such a personal statement, as a gift or for their own use. Contact us for detailed price, packaging and shipping information.

Incense Bulk Items (without photo)

- Bulk package 150 pieces incense CONES: INCONE-BA150
- Bulk package 500 pieces incense CONES: INCONE-BA500

- Bulk package 150 pieces incense STICKS: INSTIC-BA150
- Bulk package 500 pieces incense STICKS: INSTIC-BA500

Order Information

Details Incense Sticks, Cones and Incense Sets


All incense sticks, cones and sets are available in 17 scents, with a minimum order quantity of 5 items per product number and scents. We can assemble mixed scents sets according to requirements.
Apple, Citronella, Gardenia, Geranium, GreenTea, Jasmine, Lavender, Lemon Grass, Musk, Opium, Romance, Rose, Sandalwood, Strawberry, Sunflower, Vanilla, Ylang Ylang.


Incense sticks, cones and sets available in sizes and combinations shown. We can make custom combinations upon request.

Dimensions Details - Incense Cones, Sticks and Incense Sets

For item length, width, height and weight details please click on the above images for details.

Wholesale Incense Sets, Cones &, Sticks - Packaging & Shipping Details

Item Packaging:

Incense cones, sticks and sets are individually packaged in plastic wrap or plastic shrink wrap per individual item.

Item Label:

If required for your country: Handmade in Thailand.

Box Packaging:

Standard multiply carton box. Carton box dimensions may vary from specifications. Incense items can be cross-packed among different models. They can also be cross-packed with most of our other items.

Ships From:

Northern Thailand. Country of Origin: Thailand.

Shipping Time:

Fastest shipping time is 3-5 business days, slowest shipping time is about 42-84 days. Sea freight quantities start at 1 cubic meter volume with transit time approximately 28-42 days. Feel free to contact us for further technical and shipping details, samples, LCL or FCL volume prices.

When making your enquiry, please detail your intended quantity, destination and expected arrival date. We will send you a price quotation ex works, free on board or cost-insurance-freight according to your preference and, if desired, recommend the most appropriate delivery method.

Atmospheric Aesthetics. Incense.

Language Abstracts

EN: Incense Cones, Incense Sticks, Incense Sets

Export and wholesale offer of incense cones, incense sticks, incense sets. These incense cones, incense sticks, incense sets are handmade by northern Thai village artisans from natural local materials. JediCreations, wholesale, exporter, manufacturer of handmade village crafts and home decor; as producer and exporter we are seeking importers, wholesalers, distributors, retailers, including in online sales, Christmas markets and flea markets for our incense cones, incense sticks, incense sets; exclusive or non-exclusive sales agreements may (still) be available for your area.

ES: Conos del Incienso, Palillos del Incienso, Sistemas del Incienso

Ofrecer a la exportación y al por mayor de conos de incienso, incienso, conjuntos de incienso. Estos conos de incienso, varitas de incienso, incienso conjuntos están hechos a mano por artesanos del pueblo del norte de Tailandia utilizando materiales locales naturales. JediCreations, mayorista, exportador, fabricante de artesanĂ­as hechas a mano y las aldeas decoración del hogar; como productor y exportador estamos buscando importadores, mayoristas, distribuidores, minoristas, incluyendo en las ventas en línea, los mercados de Navidad y los mercados de pulgas para nuestros conos de incienso, palos de incienso, conjuntos de incienso; acuerdos de venta exclusiva o no exclusiva pueden (todavĂ­a) estarán disponibles en su área.

DE: Duftkegel, Duftstäbchen, Räucherkegel, Räucherstäbchen

Export- und Großhandelsangebot Duftkegel, Duftstäbchen, Räucherkegel, Räucherstäbchen aus nord Thailand. Hergestellt durch Handwerker in nord thailändischen Dörfern aus natürlichen Rohstoffen und Materialien. JediCreations, Grosshandel, Exporteur, Hersteller dörfliches Handwerk und Wohnkultur; als Hersteller und Exporteur suchen wir Importeure, Großhändler, und Einzelhändler im Import-Export, Großhandel, Einzelhandel, sowie im online Verkauf, Weihnachtsmarkt und Flohmarkt für unsere Duftkegel, Duftstäbchen, Räucherkegel, Räucherstäbchen aus nord Thailand; exklusive oder nicht-exklusive Vereinbarungen sind eventuell (noch) in Ihrem Raum möglich.

FR: Cônes D'Encens, Bâtons D'Encens, Ensembles D'Encens

L'offre d'exportation et l'offre en gros pour les cônes d'encens, bâtons d'encens, ensembles d'encens. Faites par les artisans thaïs nordiques de village des matériaux renouvelables naturels. JediCreations, vente en gros, exportateur, fabricant des métiers faits main de village et décor à la maison. Étant producteur et exportateur nous cherchons des importateurs, grossistes, distributeurs, détaillants inclut dans les ventes online, les marchés de noël, et les marchés aux puces, pour nos les cônes d'encens, bâtons d'encens, ensembles d'encens; dispositions exclusive ou non-exclusive sont \E9ventuellement possible dans votre territoire.

NL: Geurkegeltjes, Geurstaafjes, Wierookstokjes

Export- en groothandelsaanbieding voor geurstaafjes, geurkegeltjes (wierookstokjes, wierookstaafjes en wierookkegeltjes) uit noord Thailand, geproduceert door ambachtslui in noord Thailandse dorpen. JediCreations, groothandel, exporteur, producent van lokale ambachtsartikelen, huisinrichting en woon cultuur; in onze rol als thaise producent en exporteur zoeken wij importeurs, groothandelaren, kleinhandelaren in de import, groothandel, kleinhandel, ook in de online verkoop, kerstmarkt en vlooienmarkt voor onze geurstaafjes, geurkegeltjes (wierookstokjes, wierookstaafjes en wierookkegeltjes) uit noord Thailand; exclusive of niet-exclusive afspraken zijn eventueel (nog) in uw gebied mogelijk.

Photography of Incense Sets, Cones and Sticks by the JediCreations team.
Page last updated on 16 October 2014.