Handmade Village Crafts & Home Decor, Manufacturer, Exporter & Wholesale Supplier - JediCreations, Thailand
JEDI International, Ltd., Chiang Mai, Thailand.
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Handmade Village Crafts and Home Décor
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Personalize, Customize & Promotional Parasols

Customize Your Parasol or Your Sample Order Package

There are quite a number of ways for you to customize your parasols according to your specific needs. You can also diversify your sample or event package according to your requirements.

These customization and personalization fees shown here apply to standard sample and event packages from 12 to 240 pieces of handheld or garden parasols. Please contact us for customizing other quantities.

Names and Dates for Wedding Parasols

For weddings we personalize your parasols by adding names and dates by hand painting along the top edge of the parasol cover. There is a one time processing fee of 45.00 USD and hand painting cost, based on one color, of 1.98 uUSD per hand held parasol and 3.96 USD per garden parasol.

For the name and date option you can specify text color. Similarly we hand paint any other text, company name, brand name, web site name.

Parasol Paintings and Design Patterns

Only a limited number of our 75 design patterns are shown on our web site. For the full catalog, please contact us. These design patterns are hand painted and artistic diversity applies. The degree of detail per individual design will vary among parasol sizes, while variations also occur among same size items. While there is a standard price for many design patterns, some more difficult designs require a higher price.

Interchanging Design Patterns:

You can request us to apply any of our hand painted design patterns to any specific type of parasol, meaning you can choose design pattern FL102 from our design pattern catalogue with, for example, waterproof poly oxford market parasol PARASA-701-200.

Multiple Design Patterns:

For selecting multiple design patterns in an order of 12-240 pieces the minimum is 6 pieces per design and a small charge applies for the number of designs, for example, an order of 120 pieces PARASA-103-100 with 40 pieces Silver Lotus, 40 Working Elephants and 40 Pieces Modern Birds amounts to three design patterns:

Samples Packages: Multiple Design Patterns:

Two designs per order:    0.20 USD per parasol.
Three designs per order: 0.30 USD per parasol.
Four designs per order:   0.40 USD per parasol.

For the same number of multiple background colors there is no charge. Design patterns can be from any of our web showroom parasols or our design pattern catalogue.

Custom Logo's and Design Patterns:

You can also apply your own hand painted design patterns. A logo/design customization charge of 20.00 USD may apply for custom designs, or 90.00 USD for personal portraits, plus hand painting cost per piece. To correctly assess the hand painting cost per parasol, we really need to see the design pattern, or a design pattern that has very similar characteristics.

The one-time customisation charge applies after you approve the photo sample of the actual prototype that we send you. For silk-screened designs and personal portraits we may send you a conceptual design (not an actual prototype), we discuss options with you beforehand.

You can email us your intended design pattern. We assure your copyright and confidentiality for logo's and design patterns that you send to us. The best way to send us a custom design pattern or logo is by a photoshop ".psd" file, with your logo on a transparent background (your logo designer will be very familiar with this). Alternatively, other formats such as standard image format ".jpg" is also possible. Other formats may incur additional processing time. Generally, we can handle sent-in file sizes of up to about 2-3 MB.

Design Pattern Matching with Other Items:

You can match design patterns of parasols to many other items, such as most items' gift boxes, wrapping and decoration paper and most popularly our folding hand fans. For example, the theme of hand painted parasol design pattern FR-103 can be painted on a hand fan. As the shape of the hand fan is different, we do not directly copy the design, but produce the theme with subtle changes to fit with the hand fan's shape. A customisation fee of 20.00 usd for design matching and adaptation may apply.


We have a broad variety of colors available for each of our waterproofed cotton, Saa paper, rayon, canvas and waterproof polyoxford parasols. For parasols with design motif you can specify the background color while all parasols are also available in plain (solid) color.

Multiple Colors:

While standard is one color per sample order, you can add further colors. For mixed color orders, the minimum order quantity per color is 6 pieces. There is a small additional cost. For various colors from our showroom:

Samples Packages: Multiple Colors:

Two colors per order:    0.20 USD per parasol.
Three colors per order: 0.30 USD per parasol.
Four colors per order:   0.40 USD per parasol.

For multiple colors with the same number of multiple designs, only the design charge applies.

Colors for Cotton Waterproofed, Thai Traditional Parasols:

Standard colors are shown in the » Color Chart for PARASA0-100 and PARASA0-500. Custom colors that are not shown in the color chart can be created, there is a 45.00 USD color customization fee per color. Gold, Silver and Black are special colors that are more difficult to produce, please request a separate price quote for parasols using these colors.

Colors for Saa Paper Parasols:

A selection of standard colors is shown in our web catalog pages, while the full diversity of available standard colors exceeds what we can show here. In case you require a specific color that is not shown, please contact us and we will check its availability. Note that Saa paper is also available in batik colors, or with pressed flower (bougainvillea) petals in various background colors and in an array of other color and inserted materials combinations. We also make our parasols in various degrees and types of paper textures. In case your specific preferred color or type should not be immediatly available, it cand be sourced or manufactured. In some cases we may require a sourcing or production fee of 45.00 USD.

Colors for Rayon Parasols:

Some standard standard Rayon Artificial Silk Parasol colors are shown in our » Color Chart. Similar to Saa paper, there is very wide variety of rayon color shades available, and it exceeds what we can show in the chart. Only for difficult to obtain rayon colors there may be a color sourcing fee of 45.00 USD. Please contact us.

Colors for Canvas Parasols:

As shown in our chart, you have a choice of nine standard colors for canvas parasols: off-white (unbleached natural), yellow, orange, pink, red, light-green, dark-green, dark-blue, black. Please contact us if you require color samples.

Colors for Polyoxford Parasols and Market Umbrellas:

There are seven standard colors for waterproof polyoxford canopy material colors: cream, vermilion, lime green, olive green, ensign, royal blue, hace. The colors are generally expressed in color names in our » Color Chart, yet may vary slightly from those colors.

Other Cover Materials

Principally we can make parasols with all types of cover materials. For the parasol frames we prefer to stick to our preferred material, fast growing, professionally processed, hand crafted bamboo, and in case of the polyoxford parasol, the hardwood pole and frame.

Parasol Shapes

We also make most of our parasols in non-standard shapes such as square, star-shaped and heart shaped. For some shapes customisation fees apply. We also apply various angles to the canopy according to customer preference.

Parasol Sizes

Standard sizes and some over sizes are shown on the individual parasol type's pages. All sizes are shown in full diameter across the fully opened parasol. In case you require another size, please contact us. All parasols are fully handmade and actual sizes may vary somewhat from specifications.

Parasol Poles, Handles and Tops

We provide extra longh or extra short poles for both garden and hand held parasols as needed. For hand held parasols a number of handle designs are available. We also have a variety of wooden canopy tops.

Parasol Weaving

Most bamboo frame parasols use a standard white string weaving on the inside frame, which adds strength to the frame assembly. Traditional ceremonial and royal parasols are woven with intricate, wider, colorful weaving designs than standard parasols. Enquire about our ceremonial parasol which combines a number of luxury options such as special handle and longer pole (for hand held type), colorful weaving, and special canopy top.

Communicating Customization

For standard parasol colors please specify your preferred color according to » Color Chart, or the color of an item on our web site. You can also specify a Pantone coated /uncoated color code, or code numbers referring to RGB, HEX or other color standard. You can also send us the address of a web page that has the color your are looking for. While we do not guarantee a "computer" exact match - we can get a pretty close match to the color you are looking for.

For design patterns you can specify any of the design patterns shown on our web site (i.e. "Butterflies-003 and background color of PARASA-402", or specify from our catalogue (75 designs - available on request) or send us your own design.

For logo's, ideally email us a GIMP (.xcf), or Photoshop (.psd) file with the logo design on a transparent background. Your design /artwork is protected under all circumstances, it remains exclusively yours, we will not use it for any purpose, except if explicitly authorized by you. When accepting a custom logo /design production order we expect the design to be original, i.e. not infringing on others' copyrights.

Customization prices above refer to orders of 12-240 pieces. For other quantities, or any questions or clarifications, please feel free to contact us.

Wholesale Parasols and Umbrellas - Sun and Rain Protection:

Language Abstracts

EN: Customizing, Personalizing and Promotional Handheld and Garden Parasols

Jedicreations offers a wide variety of customising and personalising options to make our parasols specifically and uniquely yours. Options range from color and design combinations to names, dates and individual logos and designs, including hand painted design patterns and personal portraits. Our parasols are handmade by our artisans in our village and surrounding villages. JediCreations is a wholesale supplier, an exporter and a manufacturer of handmade village crafts and home decor; we follow fair trade principles. Are our customised and personalised parasols are available for your import, distribution, wholesale or retail sales in your area. On this page:

DE: Individuelle Anpassungen und Personifizieren Sie Ihre Handsonnenschirme, Gartenschirme und Werbeschirme

JediCreations bietet eine breite Auswahl individueller Anpassungen die Ihren Sonnenschirm einzigartig fü Sie besonders machen. Die Auswahl reicht von unseren Farbpaletten und Design Kombinationen zu Namen, Datum und individuelle Logos und Designmuster, sogar handgemalte Abbildungen und Ihr eigenes oder gemeinsames Protrait! Unsere Sonnenschirme werden in Heimarbeit durch Handwerker unseres Dorfes hergestellt, wir folgen Prinzipien des "Fairen Handels". Eventuel sind unsere Sonnenschirme auch für Import, Großhandel, oder Einzelhandel in Ihrer Umgebung geeignet. Nehmen Sie Kontakt zu uns auf.

NL: Personificeert U Uw Handparasols, Tuinparasols en Relatieparasols volgens Uw Individuele Aanpassingen

JediCreations biedt U een groot assortiment van individuele aanpassingen die Uw parasol uniek, en enkel voor U bijzonder maken. De keuze omvat onze Kleurpalettes en handgeschilderde motieven tot namen, datum en individuele logo's en motieven, zelfs handgeschilderde afbeeldingen en Uw eigen of een gezamelijk portrait! Een groot aantal van onze parasols worden in thuiswerk door ambachtsvrouwen en mannen in ons Dorp gemaakt. Wij volgen princiepes van de "faire handel". Eventueel zijn onze parasols ook voor de import, groothandel of detailhandel in Uw omgeving geschikt. Wij verheugen ons als U contact met ons opneemt.

Page last updated on 22 August 2014.