Handmade Village Crafts & Home Decor, Manufacturer, Exporter & Wholesale Supplier - JediCreations, Thailand
JEDI International, Ltd., Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Trusted source since 2003.
Handmade Village Crafts and Home Décor
Manufacturer, Exporter and Wholesale
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Mango Wood Vases, Wholesale Direct in Thai Design

Floreros de Madera del Mango | Vases en Bois de Mangue | Mangoholz Vasen
Vases di Legno del Mango | Mangohout Vasen | Vasos da Madeira do Mango

We proudly present our design collection VAMA™ Mango Wood Vases with over 200 models. These mango wood vases are hand crafted from plantation mango tree wood. The materials, manufacture and use of these wooden vases does not affect tropical forests.

Contact us if you believe your customers might be interested in our socially and environmentally responsible handmade wooden vases, wholesale, directly from northern Thailand.

BICON Mango Wood Vases in Bi-Conal Shape

Wholesale Catalog BICON Mango Wood Vases (58 Designs):
» BICON Mango Wood Vases Wholesale Catalog (549 kb, PDF file opens in new window)

Our PDF catalog files may require a PDF Reader. In case the catalog will not open, please visit the official » Acrobat Reader web site for an updated version. It is a free program. Alternatively, please contact us for another linux, mac or macrosoft based PDF reader.

CYLIN, CYLTA, CYLWI in Cylindrical Shape

Wholesale Catalog CYLIN, CYLTA, CYLWI Mango Wood Vases (27 designs):
» CYLIN-CYLTA-CYLWI Mango Wood Vases Wholesale Catalog (239 kb, PDF file opens in new window)

GOBEL in Goblet Shape

Wholesale Catalog VASM, GOBEL Mango Wood Vases (14 Designs):
» GOBEL Mango Wood Vases Wholesale Catalog (150 kb, Version 071001, PDF file opens in new window)

HAVOL, LAVOL in Volume Shape

Wholesale Catalog HAVOL, LAVOL Mango Wood Vases (23 Designs):
» HAVOL, LAVOL Mango Wood Vases Wholesale Catalog (221 kb, PDF file opens in new window)

JUG in Jug Shapes

Wholesale Catalog JUG Mango Wood Vases (7 Designs):
» JUG Mango Wood Vases Wholesale Catalog (72 kb, Version 071003, PDF file opens in new window)

OLPE in Olpine Shape

Wholesale Catalog OLPE Mango Wood Vases (37 Designs):
» OLPE Mango Wood Vases Wholesale Catalog (295 kb, PDF file opens in new window)

OMBYX in Silkworm Shape

Wholesale Catalog OMBYX Mango Wood Vases (33 Designs):
» OMBYX Mango Wood Vases Wholesale Catalog (247 kb, PDF file opens in new window)

VESSEL Storage Shape - Tall Decorative Vases

Wholesale Catalog VESSEL Mango Wood Vases (10 Designs):
» VESSEL Mango Wood Vases Wholesale Catalog (88 kb, PDF file opens in new window)

ALABAS, AMPHO, CYLTU, FLUTE Mango Wood Vases in More Special Shapes - Tall Decorative Vases

Wholesale Catalog ALABAS™, AMPHO™, CYLTU™, FLUTE™ Mango Wood Vases (10 Designs):
» ALABAS to FLUTE Mango Wood Vases Wholesale Catalog (77 kb, PDF file opens in new window)

Mango Wood - An Environmentally Neutral Resource

Mango wood vases are made of wood from plantations where the trees are grown for their fruit. In time, mango trees grow to become very large (20-30 meter high and 1-1.5 meter wide). As the tree approaches this size, it becomes more difficult to harvest and more importantly, it stops to bear fruit. Before this happens the trees are replaced with young mango trees. The harvested wood is an additional source of income for the mango farmers. As the wood has more of a softwood nature it is not used for construction, and you would not expect to see a house built of mango tree wood. The wood is ideal in workability and weight for home decorative objects such as vases, candle holders, picture frames and some light furniture.

We at JediCreations understand these materials and work closely with the artisans hand crafting these items. You can be sure that the wood used for manufacturing these vases genuinely originates from mango trees. This also means that you are assured that the wood for these vases is not sourced from any natural or endangered forest. By not using wood from such endangered environmental resource, the wholesale sale and retail purchase, and the use of these vases may be said to actually contribute to the conservation of natural and endangered forestation. We are sure that also your customers will appreciate this. If you like to know more about our mango wood verification or about this subject, please contact us.

Retail Sales and Gift Applications

Our Mango wood vases make for ideal home decorative objects in their own right. They are often enhanced with decorations like dried branches, ferns and flowers. With decorative use at home or at the office, they are very good add-on sales items for fresh flower shops and retail shops offering decorative dried branches, twigs, stems and dried flowers. They are attractive sales items for interior design and home decor stores and furniture stores in general, as well as shops specialising in Asian and oriental handmade artisan crafts. Matching the design patterns of mango wood vases with the patterns of mango wood candle holders (as in our other section) can also make for impressive interior design effects.

Care Instructions

This is a natural product that reacts naturally to its enviroment. Mango wood is kiln dried in order to retain its strength and stability, yet originates from a relatively moist tropical climate. Especially in dry climate areas it is a good idea to apply some moisture through a wood/furniture cleaner/moisturiser containing fruit oil such as » lemon or orange oil, best applied to a cloth used to wipe the vase, or according to product instructions. This could be repeated on a regular, possibly monthly basis, or more or less often, as needed. Dryer climate also applies to winter-time, sunny windows and positions close to heat sources. In such case, turn or change vase positions every now and then. Mango wood vases should not directly contain water, as it would permeate the wood. To place fresh flowers or plants we recommend to insert a plastic or glass container into the mango wood vase.

Order Information

Product and Manufacture Details


The wood originates from aged mango fruit tree plantations.


Black, light brown, dark brown, maroon, natural, painted "natural look" brown, custom colors in matte and gloss versions.


As displayed in catalog pages, custom sizes.

Production Time:

Mango wood vases are made to order. We require about 10-14 days production time for small to medium quantities.


Mango wood vases are handmade and may vary slightly from design, dimension and color specifications.


Mango Wood Vases are available with VAMA™ Trademark, your trademark or in neutral version (no trademark). All items are marked "Handmade in Thailand"

Packaging, Price & Shipping Details

Item Packaging:

Individual transport protection with wrapping in soft (mulberry bark) packing paper and (used) hard paper.

Carton Packaging:

Standard multiply carton box. Carton box dimensions may vary from specifications. Mango wood vases can also be cross packed with most of our other items.

Ships From:

Workshop and place of origin northern Thailand.


Please contact us for a manufacturer export, wholesale price quote. Item prices are according to manufacture quantity. Export wholesale price quotes are Ex Workshop northern Thailand, excluding shipping and transaction costs, prices are subject to change.

Minimum Order:

No minimum order quantity required.


1 CBM holds for example approximately 220 pieces of vases size 10x36 cm such as CYLWI 10x36 with approximate gross weight 177 kg, dimensional weight 166 kg, packaged for export in 8 cartons of 44x44x64 cm.


Ships Ex Workshop from northern Thailand. Sample shipping recommended by courier, quantity shipping by sea freight. We can prepare a detailed shipping quote based on your preferred quantity.

Our vases can also be cross packed with most of our other items.

Contact us for any question and a price quote for the specific quantity you are interested in. Please also indicate your destination and arrival date. We will send you a price quotation including shipping costs.

VAMA™ Mango Wood Vases including their design formats are international trademarks by JEDI International, Ltd.

Responsible Choice. VAMA™ Mango Wood.

Language Abstracts

EN: Wholesale Mango Wood Vases, Manufacturer Exports

Export and wholesale offer of handmade mango wood vases. These mango wood vases are hand crafted by northern Thai village artisans from natural local materials. JediCreations, wholesale, exporter, manufacturer of handmade village crafts and home decor; as producer and exporter we are seeking importers, wholesalers, distributors, retailers, including in online sales, Christmas markets and flea markets for our mango wood vases; exclusive or non-exclusive sales agreements may be available for your area.

ES: Al por Mayor Floreros de Madera del Mango

La oferta de la exportación y la oferta al por mayor de la mano talló floreros de madera del mango. Hechas por los artesanos tailandeses norteños de la aldea de los materiales naturales reanudables. JediCreations, venta al por mayor, exportador, fabricante de la mano hizo artes de la aldea y la decoración casera; siendo productor y exportador estamos buscando a importadores, comerciantes, distribuidores, minoristas, incluyendo en ventas, mercados de Navidad y mercados de pulgas en línea para nuestros floreros de madera del mango; los acuerdos exclusivos o no-exclusivos de ventas pueden estar disponibles para su área. (Si esta traducción contiene errores, por favor sepamos de modo que poder mejorar...).

DE: Grosshandel Mangoholz Vasen, Hersteller Export

Export- und Großhandelsangebot Mangoholz Vasen aus nord Thailand. Hergestellt durch Handwerker in nord thailändischen Dörfern aus natürlichen Rohstoffen und Materialien. JediCreations, Grosshandel, Exporteur, Hersteller dörfliches Handwerk und Wohnkultur; als Hersteller und Exporteur suchen wir Importeure, Großhändler, und Einzelhändler im Import-Export, Großhandel, Einzelhandel, sowie im online Verkauf, Weihnachtsmarkt und Flohmarkt für unsere Mangoholz Vasen aus nord Thailand; exklusive oder nicht-exklusive Vereinbarungen sind eventuell in Ihrem Raum möglich.

FR: Grossiste Vases en Bois de Manguier

Offre en gros et d'exportation pour des vases en bois de manguier produits par les artisans thaïs nordiques de village des matériaux renouvelables naturels. JediCreations, grossiste, vente en gros, exportateur, fabricant des métiers faits main de village et décor à la maison. Étant producteur et exportateur nous cherchons des importateurs, grossistes, distributeurs, détaillants inclut dans les ventes online, les marchés de noël, et les marchés aux puces, pour nos vases en bois de mangue.

NL: Mangohout Vasen

Export- en groothandelsaanbieding voor mangohout vasen uit noord Thailand, geproduceert door ambachtslui in noord Thailandse dorpen. JediCreations, groothandel, exporteur, producent van lokale ambachtsartikelen, huisinrichting en woon cultuur; in onze rol als thaise producent en exporteur zoeken wij importeurs, groothandelaren, kleinhandelaren in de import, groothandel, kleinhandel, ook in de online verkoop, kerstmarkt en vlooienmarkt voor onze mangohout vasen uit noord Thailand; exclusive of niet-exclusive afspraken zijn eventueel in uw gebied mogelijk.

Photography of Mango Wood Vases by the JediCreations team.
Page last updated on 29 January 2020.