Decorative Carved Soap Flowers
in stylish Asian Design Coconut Wood Containers
Seifenblumen in Kokosholz - Fleurs de Savon en Bois de Coco
Fiori del Sapone con il Legno del Coco - Zeep Bloemen in Coco Hout
Såpeblomster i Coco Tre - O Sabão Floresce em Madeira de Coco
El Jabón Florece en la Madera de Coco
Hand carved soap flowers in decoratively styled Asian design coconut wood containers. Your customers will marvel at the intricate worksmanship of the soap flowers and the stylish design of the container. This carved soap flower is a decorative item, not intended for use as a soap. Contact us if you are interested in these products and wish to receive more information:
Practical Applications for Carved Soap Flowers in Asian Design Natural Coconut Wood
We believe these soap flowers speak for themselves, exuding the clear, fresh yet mystical beauty of Southeast Asian countryside craftsmanship and design. Your customers will experience this too. Your customer will appreciate that a hand carved soap flower in an Asian natural coconut wood container will always be regarded as a very outstanding gift. In terms of ordering, carving and shipping, it's good to prepare for Valentine's Day ♥ early! Just like our other carved soap flowers, they are handmade by northern Thai artisans in home workshops, according to principles of fair trade.
Order Information
Details Hand Carved Soap Flowers in Asian Design Natural Coconut Wood
Flowers Types: |
Approximately twenty finely hand carved flower types in various color combinations, custom flowers and flower colors can be made to your order. |
Spheres: |
Destinctively Asian design containers in several Asian and orientally inspired designs, in high grain coconut wood, with an oriental flair. Custom design containers can be made to your order. |
Scents: |
Frangrances vary. The scent is the normal fragrance of the soap used for carving the soap flower, which is slightly accented by the soap carving (or by the larger surface resulting from the soap carving). The type and intensity of soap fragrance varies. |
Materials: |
Soap, coconut tree wood, craftsmanship. The coconut tree is an agro-industrial tree and the use of its wood does not damage natural forests. |
Options: |
Artificial green leaves and other types of spheres, as well as various types of individual packaging boxes. |
Sizes: |
These soap flowers are handmade in one size, comparable to the large size of our soap flowers in mango wood spheres. Measurements below include the dimensions of the coconut wood container, and are an approximate average for all models. Otherwise custom sizes can be made according to order - with limitiations according to the size of the original pieces (and bars) of soap. Sizes of individual flower designs may vary somewhat from the specifications given. |
Dimensions Details
sphere diameter Ø 7.5 x height 11 cm |
sphere Ø 2.95 inch x height 4.33 inch |
Price & Packaging Details
Item Packaging: |
Strong decorative Saa paper lined carton per individual soap flower (in asian design coconut wood). |
Carton Packaging: |
Standard multiply carton. Carton dimensions may vary from specifications. |
Ships From: |
Northern Thailand. Country of Origin: Thailand. Items are GSP categorised. |
Carved Soap Flowers in Asian Design Natural Coconut Wood
Sample Packages for Importers, Distributors, Retailers and Event Organisers:
Item | Quantity | Samples | Carton | CBM | NetW | GrossW | DimW |
Item code | # Items | Price/Item | cm | m³ | kg | kg | kg |
SOAPFL-CN10X-L | 120 | 6.90 USD | 55 x 45 x 40 | 0.099900 | 16.00 | 17.00 | 16.500 |
All aspects of these carved soap flowers are handmade. The actual designs of the soap flowers may show small differences.
We need up to about 10-14 days production time for sample quantities, please contact us for manufacturing times of wholesale /export quantities. Fastest shipping time is 3-5 business days, slowest shipping time 42-84 calendar days, sea freight quantities net shipping time is about 30-38 calendar days. When enquiring, please mention your intended destination and intended arrival date, so that we can send you a price quotation with the best delivery method.
Please contact us for prices of manufacturer export and wholesale quantities.
Hand Carved Soap Flowers:
Abstract and Languages:
EN: Soap Flowers in Coconut Wood Spheres
Export and wholesale offer of hand carved soap flowers in handmade, stylish Asian design coconut wood spheres. These soap flowers and their coconut wood spheres are hand crafted by northern Thai village artisans from natural renewable materials. JediCreations, wholesale, exporter, manufacturer of handmade village crafts and home decor; as producer and exporter we are seeking importers, wholesalers, distributors, retailers, including in online sales, christmas markets and flea markets for hand carved soap flowers in handmade, stylish Asian design coconut wood spheres; exclusive or non-exclusive sales agreements may (still) be available for your area. Contact us for your opportunity to benefit from Thai crafts exports in your import, wholesale or retail business. On this page:ES: El Jabón Florece en la Madera de Coco
La oferta de la exportación y la oferta al por mayor de la mano talló flores de jabón en esferas de madera de coco en diseño asiático elegante hechas por los artesanos tailandeses norteños de la aldea de los materiales naturales reanudables. JediCreations, venta al por mayor, exportador, fabricante de la mano hizo artes de la aldea y la decoración casera; siendo productor y exportador estamos buscando a importadores, comerciantes, distribuidores, minoristas, incluyendo en ventas, mercados de Navidad y mercados de pulgas en línea para nuestras flores de jabón en esferas de madera de coco en diseño asiático elegante; los acuerdos exclusivos o no-exclusivos de ventas pueden estar disponibles para su área. Contáctenos para sus oportunidades verdaderas de beneficiar de artes tailandeses exportan y exportan Tailandia en su negocio de la importación, al por mayor o vende al por menor. (Si esta traducción contiene errores, por favor sepamos de modo que poder mejorar...).DE: Dekorative Seifenblumen in Kokosholz
xport- und Großhandelsangebot handgeschnitzte dekorative Seifenblumen in handgedrehten Kokosholzkugeln in geschmackvollem Asiatischen Design mit orientalischem Flair. Hergestellt durch Handwerker in nord thailändischen Dörfern aus erneuerbaren Rohstoffen und Materialien. JediCreations, Grosshandel, Exporteur, Hersteller dörfliches Handwerk und Wohnkultur; als Hersteller und Exporteur suchen wir Importeure, Großhändler, und Einzelhändler im Import-Export, Großhandel, Einzelhandel, sowie im online Verkauf, Weihnachtsmarkt und Flohmarkt für unsere handgeschnitzten Seifenblumen in Asiatischen Kokosholz Kugeln; exklusive oder nicht-exklusive Vereinbarungen sind eventuell (noch) in Ihrem Raum möglich. Nehmen Sie Kontakt zu uns auf für Ihre reale Gelegenheit aus dem Export von Thai Handwerksartikeln und Export aus Thailand für Ihr Importgeschäft, Großhandel oder Einzelhandelsgeschäft Nutzen zu ziehen.FR: Fleurs de Savon en Bois de Coco
L'offre d'exportation et l'offre en gros pour les fleurs de savon la main a taillé en bois de coco dans la conception asiatique élégante. Faites par les artisans thaïs nordiques de village des matériaux renouvelables naturels. JediCreations, vente en gros, exportateur, fabricant des métiers faits main de village et décor à la maison. Étant producteur et exportateur nous cherchons des importateurs, grossistes, distributeurs, détaillants inclut dans les ventes online, les marchés de noël, et les marchés aux puces, pour nos les fleurs de savon en bois de coco; dispositions exclusive ou non-exclusive sont éventuellement possible dans votre territoire. Contactez-nous pour votre occasion de tirer bénéfice des exportations thaïes de métiers et des exportations de Thaïlande dans vos affaires d'importation, affaires en gros ou affaires au détail. (Au cas où notre traduction contiendrait des erreurs, svp faites-nous connaître de sorte que nous puissions l'améliorer...).IT: Fiori del Sapone con il Legno del Coco
Offerta dell'esportazione ed offerta del commercio all'ingrosso per i fiori del sapone nelle sfere di legno del coco nel disegno asiatico unico. Fatte dagli artigianale tailandesi nordici del villaggio dei materiali naturali rinnovabili. JediCreations, commercio all'ingrosso, esportatore, fornitore di mano ha fatto i mestieri del villaggio e la decorazione domestica; come il produttore e l'esportatore noi stanno cercando gli importatori, i grossisti, i distributori, rivenditori, includenti nelle vendite, nei mercati di natale e nei mercati di pulce in linea per le nostri fiori del sapone con il legno del coco; gli accordi di vendite esclusivi o non-exclusivi possono essere disponibili per la vostra zona. Seli metta in contatto con per le vostre occasioni reali trarre beneficio dai mestieri tailandesi esporta ed esporta la Tailandia nel vostro commercio di importazione, nel commercio all'ingrosso o nel commercio al minuto. (Nel caso questa traduzione contiene gli errori, prego sappiamo in moda da poterli migliorare noi...).NL: Bloemen Zeepjes en Zeepbloemen in Coco Hout
Export- en groothandelsaanbieding voor handgebeitelde zeebloemen in sfeervolle kogelvormige houders van coco boom hout in asiatisch design, geproduceert door ambachtslui in noord Thailandse dorpen met vernieuwbare grondstoffen en materiaal. JediCreations, groothandel, exporteur, producent van lokale ambachtsartikelen, huisinrichting en woon cultuur; in onze rol als thaise producent en exporteur zoeken wij importeurs, groothandelaren, kleinhandelaren in de import, groothandel, kleinhandel, ook in de online verkoop, kerstmarkt en vlooienmarkt voor onze asiatische design zeepbloemen in coco hout houders; exclusive of niet-exclusive afspraken zijn eventueel (nog) in uw gebied mogelijk. Neemt u contact met ons op voor uw reële gelegenheid om van direkte import-export van Thaise ambachtartikelen en exports uit Thailand voor uw importzaak, groothandelsbedrijf or detailhandel nut te trekken.NO: Såpeblomster i Coco Tre
Eksporttilbud og engroshandeltilbud for såpeblomster i coco tre i enestående asian design, laget ved nordlig Thai landsby håndverkfolk fra fornybar naturlig stoff. Jedicreations, engroshandel, exporter, produsent av hånd laget landsbyhåndverker og hjem decor; værende produsent og exporter vi søker importører, engroshandelforretning, fordelere, detaljhandler butikker, samt i on-line omsetning, jul markeder og flea markeder for vår såpeblomster i coco tre i enestående asian design; eksklusive eller ikke-eksklusive omsetningsenigheter er tilgjengelig for deres område. Setter seg i forbindelse med oss for deres virkelig anledninger dra nytte av Thai håndverkeksporter og eksporterer Thailand i geres importforretning, engroshandelforretning eller detaljforretning. (I tilfelle denne oversettelse inneholder feil, behager lar oss vite slik at vi forbedrer...)..PO: O Sabão Floresce em Madeira de Coco
A oferta de exportação e por atacado oferece para flores de sabão em madeira de coco em projeto asiático elegante feitas produzido por artesãos tailandeses do norte de aldeia de materiais renováveis naturais. JediCreations, venda por atacado, exportador, fabricante da mão fêz artesanatos da vila e o decor interior da casa; sendo produtor e exportador nós estamos procurando importers, atacadistas, distribuidores, varejistas, incluindo em vendas online, em mercados do natal e em mercados de pulga em linha para nossas flores de sabão em madeira de coco em projeto asiático elegante; acordos exclusivos ou não exclusivos de vendas podem estar disponíveis para sua área. Contate-nos para suas oportunidades reais de beneficiar-se dos artesanatos thai exportam e exportam Tailândia em seu negócio de importação, por atacado negócio ou negócio varejista. (Caso que esta tradução contem erros, deixe-nos por favor saber de modo que nós possamos melhorar...).Photography Hand Carved Soap Flowers by the JediCreations team.
Page last updated on 24 November 2016.