Handmade Village Crafts & Home Decor, Manufacturer, Exporter & Wholesale Supplier - JediCreations, Thailand
JEDI International, Ltd., Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Trusted source since 2003.
Handmade Village Crafts and Home Décor
Manufacturer, Exporter and Wholesale
Monday, 13 January 2025
Now for Tablet! No App needed!


In case you arrived here through a digital image watermark link, this page contains relevant copyright information. For product information, please browse to the relevant product section. Feel free to contact us for any question or clarification.

Intellectual Property

JEDI International, Ltd., JediCreations™ Handmade Village Crafts and Home Décor and its related web sites respect the intellectual efforts and properties of originators, inventors, designers, artists, photographers and software developers. We take great care in ensuring to safeguard the intellectual property rights of others. In case any item should nevertheless, after having taken great care and unknown to us, infringe on a creator's intellectual property right, we will remove any such item first before clearing up the matter.


The designs of our product lines are principally copyrighted to the manufacturing artisans/designers of these items and are used with explicit permission. With long traditional use, some designs may not always be attributable to individual artisans/designers, in which case the designs/items are inherent on the specific area or villages of northern Thailand and the golden triangle where the items/designs are produced.

All designs clients send to us for estimates and/or manufacture remain the sole property of our clients, remain confidential and are exclusively and strictly used according to clients instructions, only.

All content of this web site including, but not limited to photography, images, slogans, text descriptions, product codes, product details, packaging and shipping configurations, web site coding is 2003-2024 JediCreations, JEDI International, Ltd., except in a few specifically mentioned cases where material has been created by another party and is used with explicit permission.

JediCreations exclusively creates original content for its export showcase and web site, including, but not limited to all photography, images, slogans, text descriptions, product codes, product details, packaging and shipping configurations and web site page coding. We do this exclusively in-house. All content, including, but not limited to photographic and image materials, slogans and text descriptions, product codes, packaging and shipping configurations, as well as site and page coding is the property of JEDI International, Ltd. and may not be used by third parties without our explicit permission. If you wish to use some of our materials, please contact us.


Unauthorised copying and use of creative material owned by JEDI International, Ltd. is illegal. Extraction and/or alteration of our images, specifically the removal or rendering illegible our web site name, company name and copyright details is prohibited and illegal. We follow through on infringement of our intellectual property and our copyrights. Our images are digitally coded with authorship and copyright details, and are traceable on the internet. Using a small, simple software package, customers, isp's, directory administrators, search engines, internet regulators, courts of law and other relevant third parties can easily access our company name, address, web site origin and creation date from our images, right on location of an infringing web site.

Webmasters and site owners: Please be aware that all major search engines currently place severe penalties on duplicated content. Any copying from our site (or other sites) will negatively effect your web site's chances to develop into anything meaningful.

Do you Like our Images or Texts?

Our sister JediConsult helps small manufacturers and exporters to innovate and improve export sales. This can be by improving images, text descriptions, product catalogues, customer communications or even by enhancing web site and computer security. Contact us here, or just enter JediConsult into any web search. 2015 update: in the meantime there are a few copyrats. We're the one who has moved to a solar powered platform.

Questions, Comments or Suggestions?

We are happy to answer any question, comment or suggestion you might have concerning our copyrights and copyrights in general. In case you find any of our material in use at other locations or web sites and are not sure if those are the authentic items, feel free to contact us and we will be happy to let you know. If you like to make use of one or more of our copyrighted items, this may be possible with our permission, or we may suggest alternative solutions, please feel free to contact us!

Support us

Of course we continue to welcome everyone's support in promoting our products on your web site, blog, social network or virtual community. Our handmade village crafts » Promotion section shows several ways to promote our items and artisans. Feel free to contact us for any material that we may supply you to help promote our handmade village crafts.

Our Service Terms, Copyrights and Trademarks:

Language Abstracts

EN: Copyrights

All contents, including texts, product codes, images, photos, trademarks and site coding are authored by and copyrighted to JEDI International, Ltd., Chiang Mai, Thailand, all rights reserved.

DE: Urheberrechte

Alle Inhalte, inklusive Texte, Produktkodes, Abbildingen, Fotos, Handelsmarken, Website Kodierung sind urheberrecthlich geschützt durch JEDI International, Ltd., Chiang Mai, Thailand, alle Rechte vorbehalten.

FR: Copyright

Tout le contenu, y compris des textes, des codes produit, des images, des fotos, des marques déposées et codage de site web sont garantis les droits d'auteur JEDI International, Ltd., Chiang Mai, Thailand, tous droits réservés.

NL: Oorsprongsrechten

Alle inhouden inclusive texten, product codes, afbeeldingen, fotos, handelsmerken, web site codering zijn beschermd met oorsponkelijke auteursrechten door JEDI International, Ltd. Chiang Mai, Thailand, alle rechten voorbehouden.

Page last updated on 20 July 2017.