Saa Paper Greeting Cards - Dried Pressed FlowersOur Saa paper greeting cards decorated exclusively with genuine dried pressed flowers and leaves, here shown in the standard size. They also make very nice gift cards. Contact us if you are interested in these items or wish to receive more information:
Ex Workshop Wholesale Price /Export Price Northern Thailand:Samples Packages for Importers, Distributors, Retailers and Event Organisers
Our current selection of handmade Saa paper greeting cards:
^ Handmade Saa Paper Pressed Flowers Greeting Cards Handmade Saa Paper Chinese Character Greeting Cards Handmade Decorative Saa Paper Greeting Cards Handmade Banana Paper Greeting Cards with Twigs and Blossoms Overview Saa Paper Greeting Cards |
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Abstract and Languages: EN: Wholesale handmade Saa paper greeting cards with natural dried pressed flowers. JediCreations wholesale, exporter, manufacturer of handmade village crafts and home decor; importers wanted, distributors wanted, wholesalers wanted, retailers wanted, opportunities from Thai crafts exports and exports Thailand. On this page: DE: Glückwunschkarten und Hochzeitskarten mit getrockneten gepreßten Blüten und Blumen direkt aus Thailand, handgefertigt und per Hand dekoriert; als Hersteller und Exporteur suchen wir Importeure, Großhändler, und Einzelhändler im Import, Großhandel, Einzelhandel, sowie im Weihnachtsmarkt und Flohmarkt. NL: wenskaarten en trouwkaarten met gedroogde geperste bloemen direct uit Thailand, handgemaakt en per hand gedecoreert; in onze rol als thaise producent en exporteur zoeken wij importeurs, groothandelaren, kleinhandelaren in de import, groothandel, kleinhandel, ook in de kerstmarkt en vlooienmarkt. Copyright © 2003-2014 JEDI International, Ltd., all rights reserved. Manufacturer, exporter, wholesale supplier of village crafts & home decor - handmade Saa paper greeting cards and wedding cards, wedding invitation cards decorated with dried pressed flowers from northern Thailand, Ton Pao, San Kamphaeng, Doi Saket, Chiang Mai. Page last reviewed on 10 December 2010. |