Handmade Village Crafts & Home Decor, Manufacturer, Exporter & Wholesale Supplier - JediCreations, ThailandJediCreations
JEDI International, Ltd., Chiang Mai, Thailand
Handmade Village Crafts & Home Décor
Manufacturer, Exporter & Wholesale

your direct source for handmade products in northern Thailand

Village Crafts and Home Decor Web Site Reviews

Welcome to our world-wide-web site reviews for handmade artisan crafts, garments, home decor and garden decor. The JediCreations team presents this section with the aim of assisting you in finding the items that you are looking for. We have chosen the web sites shown in this section because their information and items are specifically related to our products as additional and complementary items.

We have manually reviewed each site and each text description is our own, unique interpretation of each site's objectives and content. While this has been, and continues to be quite a time-consuming effort, our site reviews represent what our clients know to expect from our products and our service: quality and consistency. And we enjoyed the process, too. Happy hunting!

Garden and Home

Our garden and home collection of site reviews extends from real and artificial flowers used in the home and the garden, to handmade home decor items and furniture: Flowers and Plants, Garden Buildings for outside the home, Garden Furniture for the patio or terrace, Garden Supplies and Tools for working in the garden, Home Decor for every room, Home Decor Gifts, and decorative Home Furniture ... for a total of 71 individually reviewed home and garden sources. Try for example the Garden Furniture or the Home Decor site reviews


We present 29 distinctively reviewed lifestyle sources. Culture and Travel in a colorful world, Fair Trade in the global market place with vast earnings differences, exquisite traditional and modern Jewely and Silver, but also Gold, Platinum and Gems, a range of interesting and informative Lifestyle Magazines for women and men, young and in prime age, and of course your good old places for new fangled Shopping. JC's somewhat unusual Lifestyle definition includes individual choices, personal development, and lifestyle less due to choice but particular circumstance. Our current favourite is Fair Trade, closely related to economic well-being, an often uncontrollable lifestyle choice governing people's socio-economic environment.

Weddings, Valentine's Day and Christmas

Our special occasions are centered around web site reviews for Weddings, Valentine's Day and Christmas. Quality reviews for Wedding Accessories and our dedicated section to having a Wedding in Australia. If you need professional organising help these Wedding Consultants and Organisers might be of assistance, or our reviewed Wedding Guides and Information Directories. Find great Gifts at Wedding Favors. We have also reviewed a nice selection offering Wedding Invitations. Audible sensory atmosphere will be provided by the: Wedding Music that fits your theme. And of course you will want to round things off with the right remembrance for current and future generations. Thats where you might be choosing among Wedding Photographers or Videographers. Personnally, we at JC prefer stills. We do not consider ourselves old-fashioned, while there is simply something about them that is, well... eternal. Our other special occasions reviews include Christmas Decorations... and we are working on Valentine's Day selections. Your suggestion helps and it is very welcome.

Work and Business Support

These web site reviews refer to work opportunities, jobs, communications, internet and business to business opportunities. Amongst others, few non-handmade manufacturers are included as well as wholesale specialists and closeout sources: Work, Business, Internet... As we expand our reviews, we may re-categorise the topics of this section.

We are expanding all our reviews sections. You are very welcome to make suggestions for additional reviews. We also highly appreciate if you mention us on your web pages!

Suggest a source for review

Suggest us to » review a web site by artists, craftspeople, manufacturers or specialists for information or retail and wholesale home decor products, garden decor, garments, and any special occasions gifts. There is no cost or obligation. Final decision and review text remains ours alone. (opens in new window).

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We have selected these retail, wholesale, manufacturer and artist sources for home and garden decor, wedding favors, accessories, gifts and related lifestyle topics on their appropriateness, originality and family-friendly content. We have no influence over these external sources and we are not responsible for contents or practices of these third party sources. Your comment helps us to further improve our reviews section.

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Banana Fiber Boxes | Candles, Candle Holders | Ceramic Cups, Mugs | Wood, Coco Innovations | Ethnic Earrings | Folding Hand Fans | Folding Wall Fans | Foon Dragons n Pencils | Games and Puzzles | Saa Paper Greeting Cards | Incense Sticks n Cones | Jade Necklaces, Jade Colliers | Mango Wood Vases | Acrylic Paintings | Hand Parasols | The Brelli® | Garden Parasols | Silver Jewelry | Sun Hats, Palm, Sisal Hats | Soap Flowers | Wire Art Bikes, Aliens | Garden | Wedding

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JediCreations Handmade Village Crafts and Home Décor - JEDI International, Ltd., Chiang Mai, Thailand
JediCreations™, Foon™, are trademarks owned by JEDI International, Ltd.
Copyright © 2003-2014 JEDI International, Ltd., all rights reserved.
Manufacturer, Exporter, Wholesale Supplier, Worldwide
Member of the Chiang Mai Chamber of Commerce
Licensed Exporter

Section last updated on 4 July 2009.