Rustic Wood, Coconut and Seeds, for Home and WallSelection of our innovative, handmade wood, coconut and seeds home decor houseware items. Unique designs. The wood is predominantly from replaced fruit trees (mango, santol, tamarind and others). While the use of items is actually not always directly recognizable, items include, with their name according to shape, theme and function: Long Fish WC Roll Holder, Lizard Box, Bird Box, Turtle Box, Snake Tray, Fishbone Box, Buffalo WC Roll Holder, Long Dog Box, Porcupine Name Card & Pencil Box, Fish WC Roll Holder, Dog and Bone Box, Buffalo Lamp, Crab Pencil Holder, Elephant Lamp, Big Fish Tray, Fish WC Roll Holder, Small Fish Tray, Cave Man Box. Contact us if you are interested in these unique rustic decor items... |
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Abstract and Languages: EN: Handmade home decor and wall decor items innovately made from wood, coconut, twigs, dried berries and seedsJediCreations wholesale, exporter, manufacturer of handmade village crafts and home decor; importers wanted, distributors wanted, wholesalers wanted, retailers wanted, opportunities from Thai crafts exports and exports Thailand. On this page: wood and coconut kitchen towel holders, towel hangers, tissue paper holders, tissue paper roll holders, tissue roll holders, wc roll holders, desk organisers, desk boxes, lamps.DE: Hausdekor und Wanddekor aus Holz, Kokosnuß Beeren und Saate aus dem Norden ThailandsA ls Hersteller und Exporteur suchen wir Importeure, Großhändler, und Einzelhändler im Import, Großhandel, Einzelhandel, sowie im Weihnachtsmarkt und Flohmarkt.NL: Huis dekor en muur dekor uit hout, kokosnoot en bessen en zaaden uit het noorden van ThailandIn onze rol als thaise producent en exporteur zoeken wij importeurs, groothandelaren, kleinhandelaren in de import, groothandel, kleinhandel, ook in de kerstmarkt en vlooienmarkt.Copyright © 2003-2014 JEDI International, Ltd., all rights reserved. Manufacturer, exporter, wholesale supplier of village crafts & home decor - home decor and wall decor items innovately made from wood, coconut, twigs, dried berries and seeds from northern Thailand, Doi Saket, Chiang Mai. Page last updated on 3 July 2009. |