Handmade Village Crafts & Home Decor, Manufacturer, Exporter & Wholesale Supplier - JediCreations, Thailand JediCreations
JEDI International, Ltd., Chiang Mai, Thailand. Since 2003.
Handmade Village Crafts & Home Décor
Manufacturer, Exporter & Wholesale

Your direct source for handmade products in northern Thailand
Monday, 13 January 2025

Ceramic Designer Cups & Mugs

Selection of our hand crafted, designer ceramics coffee cups and mugs. Created by village artisans in the rural countryside. Contact us if you are interested to receive more information on these items:

Ceramic Designer Coffee Cup CRMA-101 Asia Green

coffee cup & saucer


12.8 x 10 x 6.6 cm (set)

240 gram

5.04 x 3.94 x 2.60 inch (set)

8.47 oz.

Cup Volume: approx. 120 ml (filled to brim)

Ceramic Designer Coffee Cup CRMA-102 Asia Green

Coffee Cup & Saucer


12.8 x 10 x 7.8 cm (set)

310 gram

5.04 x 3.94 x 3.07 inch (set)

10.93 oz.

Cup Volume: approx. 135 ml (filled to brim)

Ceramic Designer Coffee Cup CRMA-103 Asia Green

Coffee Cup & Saucer


12.8 x 10 x 7.8 cm (set)

290 gram

5.04 x 3.94 x 3.07 inch (set)

10.23 oz.

Cup Volume: approx. 145 ml (filled to brim)

Ceramic Designer Coffee Cup CRMA-101 Metal Black

Coffee Cup & Saucer


12.8 x 10 x 6.6 cm (set)

240 gram

5.04 x 3.94 x 2.60 inch (set)

8.47 oz.

Cup Volume: approx. 120 ml (filled to brim)

Ceramic Designer Coffee Cup CRMA-102 Metal Black

Coffee Cup & Saucer

» detail 2


12.8 x 10 x 7.8 cm(set)

310 gram

5.04 x 3.94 x 3.07 inch (set)

10.93 oz.

Cup Volume: approx. 135 ml (filled to brim)

Ceramic Designer Coffee Cup CRMA-103 Metal Black

Coffee Cup & Saucer


12.8 x 10 x 7.8 cm(set)

290 gram

5.04 x 3.94 x 3.07 inch (set)

10.23 oz.

Cup Volume: approx. 145 ml (filled to brim)

Ceramic Designer Coffee Cup CRMA-101 Soft White

Coffee Cup & Saucer


12.8 x 10 x 6.6 cm (set)

240 gram

5.04 x 3.94 x 2.60 inch (set)

8.47 oz.

Cup Volume: approx. 120 ml (filled to brim)

Ceramic Designer Coffee Cup CRMA-102 Soft White

Coffee Cup & Saucer


12.8 x 10 x 7.8 cm (set)

310 gram

5.04 x 3.94 x 3.07 inch (set)

10.93 oz.

Cup Volume: approx. 135 ml (filled to brim)

Ceramic Designer Coffee Cup CRMA-103 Soft White

Coffee Cup & Saucer


12.8 x 10 x 7.8 cm (set)

290 gram

5.04 x 3.94 x 3.07 inch (set)

10.23 oz.

Cup Volume: approx. 145 ml (filled to brim)

Feel free to contact us for details.

JediCreations » Make an Enquiry 

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Wholesale Ceramic Cups and Mugs, Manufacturer Exports directly from Northern Thailand

JediCreations Handmade Village Crafts and Home Décor - JEDI International, Ltd., Chiang Mai, Thailand
JediCreations™, Cama™, Vama™, Foon™, are trademarks by JEDI International, Ltd.
Copyright © 2003-2014 JEDI International, Ltd., all rights reserved.
Manufacturer, Exporter, Wholesale Supplier, Worldwide
Member of the Chiang Mai Chamber of Commerce
Licensed Exporter

Languages and Colphon:

EN: Wholesale Unique Shark-fin Ceramic Designer Cups and Mugs in Four Colors

Export and wholesale offer of unique shark fin designer coffee and tea cups and mugs. These vases are hand crafted by northern Thai village artisans from natural renewable materials. JediCreations, wholesale, exporter, manufacturer of handmade village crafts and home decor; as producer and exporter we are seeking importers, wholesalers, distributors, retailers, including in online sales, christmas markets and flea markets for our unique shark fin designer vases; exclusive or non-exclusive sales agreements may (still) be available for your area. Contact us for your real opportunities to benefit from Thai crafts exports from Thailand in your import business, wholesale business or retail business. On this page:

DE: Einzigartige Haiflossen Designer Kaffeetassen

Export- und Großhandelsangebot einzigartige handgemachte Haiflossen Designer Kaffeetassen und Untersetzer. Hergestellt durch Handwerker in nord thailändischen Dörfern aus natürlichen, erneuerbaren Rohstoffen und Materialien. JediCreations, Grosshandel, Exporteur, Hersteller dörfliches Handwerk und Wohnkultur; als Hersteller und Exporteur suchen wir Importeure, Großhändler, und Einzelhändler im Import-Export, Großhandel, Einzelhandel, sowie im online Verkauf, Weihnachtsmarkt und Flohmarkt für unsere einzigartige handgemachte einzigartigen Haiflossen Designer Kaffeetassen un Untersetzer; exklusive oder nicht-exklusive Vereinbarungen sind eventuell (noch) in Ihrem Raum möglich. Nehmen Sie Kontakt zu uns auf für Ihre reale Gelegenheit aus dem Export von Thai Handwerksartikeln und Export aus Thailand für Ihr Importgeschäft, Großhandel oder Einzelhandelsgeschäft Nutzen zu ziehen.

NL: Unieke Haaiefinnen Designer Koffie- en Thee Kopjes

Export- en groothandelsaanbieding voor unieke haaiefinnen designer koffie- en thee kopjes, geproduceert door ambachtslui in noord Thailandse dorpen met vernieuwbare grondstoffen en materiaal. JediCreations, groothandel, exporteur, producent van lokale ambachtsartikelen, huisinrichting en woon cultuur; in onze rol als thaise producent en exporteur zoeken wij importeurs, groothandelaren, kleinhandelaren in de import, groothandel, kleinhandel, ook in de online verkoop, kerstmarkt en vlooienmarkt voor onze handgemaakte unieke haaiefinnen designer koffie- en thee kopjes; exclusive of niet-exclusive afspraken zijn eventueel (nog) in uw gebied mogelijk. Neemt u contact met ons op voor uw reële gelegenheid om van direkte import-export van Thaise ambachtartikelen en exports uit Thailand voor uw importzaak, groothandelsbedrijf or detailhandel nut te trekken.

Copyright © 2003-2014 JEDI International, Ltd., all rights reserved. Manufacturer, exporter, wholesale supplier of village crafts & home decor - unique shark fin designer coffee and tea cups from northern Thailand, Chiang Mai, Bo Sang, Doi Saket. Page last updated 2 July 2009.