Ethnic Style EarringsSelection of our ethnic style earrings, traditional northern Thailand design. Fashionable, yet inexpensive, made of nickel-silver alloy. Many different designs to choose from, or an assorted selection of all:
Abstract and Languages: EN: Nickel-silver alloy earrings in ethnic styleInexpensive nickel-silver alloy earrings in ethnic style. JediCreations wholesale, exporter, manufacturer of handmade village crafts and home decor. Available for wholesale, manufacturer exports direct from Thailand. On this page: DE: Günstige Ohrringe aus Nickel-Silber LegierungDE: ünstige Ohrringe in ethnischem Stil aus Nickel-Silber Legierung, billige Ohrringe, doch modische Ohrringe. Für den Importhandel, Großhändel und Einzelhändel. NL: Nickel-silver alloy earrings in ethnic styleNL: Ethnische stijl oorringen, gunstige oorringen van nikkel-zilver legering, goedkope oorringen, maar modern en modisch. Voor de importhandel, groothandel en detailhandel. Ook goed voor de speciale markten zoals vlooienmarkt en kerstmarkt. |